Body Revamp Mind

Start booking your consulting now. You can reach us at: 1 (888) 818-8086.

About Us

You can share anything on your mind with me, and I will listen. At the start of our session, I’ll inquire if you desire feedback and, if so, the type and amount you prefer. My approach is to provide ample space for you to express yourself, while I serve as a supportive and empathetic listener. To ensure understanding and empathy, I may reflect some of your words back to you, asking, “Are you feeling…?” or stating, “It sounds like you’re feeling…” The level of this feedback can be tailored to your preferences.

However, please note that this is not psychotherapy. As I am not a licensed therapist, I cannot assist with serious issues such as chemical dependencies, past or present violent or abusive experiences, severe depression or anxiety, or serious thoughts of self-harm or harming others. While deep, compassionate listening can be very healing, if you are experiencing these challenges, I strongly urge you to seek a licensed counselor or healing professional, such as a clinical social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist.

While we’re not licensed therapists, we’re here to provide support and a listening ear for whatever you may need – whether it’s sharing your feelings, laughing or crying together, or simply being there during difficult moments.

Our Core Principles:

Holistic Integration: We understand that true wellness encompasses more than physical health. By actively listening to your needs, we address emotional well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual alignment.

Empowerment: Our commitment is not only to listen but also to empower you. Through active engagement, we help you discover insights, navigate difficulties, and foster resilience.

Healing Connection: Active listening creates a healing connection. It allows us to understand your unique experiences and guide you toward growth and transformation.


I will maintain anything you share in a session in strict confidence. The only exceptions are those required by law: I will need to notify appropriate legal authorities if you share with me information about child abuse that is occurring presently, or an intention or plan to harm yourself or others.

3 Simple Steps

You don’t want yet-another platform to sign up to, let alone yet-another-app to install. All you need to do is press chat – that’s it! We work with the tools you already have. And our active listeners receive your message via call or the contact form. We built this to be completely frictionless, and allow for rapid scaling – in order to support as many people as possible, and be there when the world needs us the most.

1. Start a chat

2. Get matched with a listener

3. Talk to your listener


We don’t provide therapy.
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